Arrott Building

Address:     401 Wood Street
Year Built:  1902
Height:      256 ft
Floors:      Unknown
Function:    Office
Materials:   Unknown
Style:       Unknown
Categories:  Unknown
Architect:   Frederick J. Osterling
Aliases:     None Found
Web Site:    None Found
This turn-of-the-century skyscraper sits on the corner of Wood St. and Fourth Avenue. Fourth Avenue is known as Pittsburgh's Wall St., because during Pittsburgh's steel making days 4th avenue was the location of many banks and financial institutions. The entrance to this building however is actually on Wood St.

Sources and Copyright
All images, text, and code (c) copyright 2001-2003 William Kammermeier. The following sources were used to obtain information:

Pittsburgh Walking Tours. "Arrott Building 1902-02."

Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation 4th avenue marker.

Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation Arrott Building marker.